Wednesday, July 30, 2008

Into the Wild

So, I know I'm on the late show here as I just saw this movie last week.  I have been haunted by this story.  I can't remember the last time a movie affected me this much.  It's been over a week and I can't stop thinking about it...


Begin to Breathe said...

i agree...this was a pretty intense movie. i watched it by myself one night a few months ago and felt the same way you did. fortunately i saw speed racer not too long after, where the same actor has the starring role. somehow (maybe knowing he was really alive) this helped me recover quicker! i think it's coming to dvd may have to buy it :)

Cole Family said...

i agree too...wes and i watched it and i couldn't even finish watching it because it made me depressed...i had already seen the oprah show with the real familyon it, so i knew what happended at the might have to take jess's advice and buy speed racer:)