Sunday, February 1, 2009


We made a quick trip out to the desert. It was Jonah's first time riding his bike other than in our cul de sac. I think this might have been the best weekend of Joe's life. Jonah had a blast riding his bike and riding in a Rhino with his new # 1 chick, Jillian. She sure is cute! I got to spend lots of time reading and listening to my ipod, which was a perfect weekend for me...

Tuesday, January 20, 2009

Love being dazzled and feathers too...

So I'm not much of a reader...

I am what one would call a casual reader. I read 3-4 books a year. I had heard about these Twilight books. I had heard they were Harry Potter for teenage girls. I had absolutely no interest. When someone born in my own decade, as well as one born in the preceding decade recommended them to me, I casually thought, it might be an interesting Christmas vaca read. At least check out what all the kids are talking about, you know, to keep myself in the know about what the kids are into these days.

I had no idea that these were going to become an obsession for me. I finished all four books in less than 7 days, not an easy feet. The shortest book is over 500 pages long. Well, let's just say, my family was neglected, to say the least. Joe tolerated me and my house has never looked more disastrous at the end of the 4th book. I'm really considering writing the author a letter begging her to finish her unfinished 5th novel. I now can say with a clear conscience that had I read the first book before my son was born, his first initial might very well be an "E", not a "J".

I guess the moral of the story is, millions of teenage girls can't be wrong, at least about the Cullens.

Until next time...